Black Acanthus Removable Wallpaper Sheets are stunning and a very easy DIY
The Black Acanthus: Perfect for Bathrooms and Bold Accent Walls
A deep charcoal background, dramatic flourishes in monochromatic colors of white, gray and black. Meet Acanthus Black. Organic removable wallpaper sheets inspired by the timeless treasure of the acanthus plant.
With spiny leaves, spikes that bloom white and purple flowers, it seems like a fitting motif to introduce to readers more in this fall season. The moody Acanthus Black makes the perfect backdrop for a brilliant vignette or striking piece of furniture.

The Black Acanthus Wallpaper Sheets
The details of the design are truly striking. Leaf borders and scroll motifs, the designs we know so well, but reimagined for a modern aesthetic. The naturally-inspired artwork may be monochromatic, but it’s green at heart. Made with responsibly sourced fiber and third-party Green-e® certified wind power renewable energy certificates and manufactured to be carbon neutral with verified emission reductions, certified under the Climate Action Reserve Protocol and made to be elemental chlorine-free.

JCampbell Wallpaper Sheets (formerly PastedPaper) featured on Decorating Tips & Tricks podcast
Kelly Wilkniss and Anita Joyce featured JCampbell on their podcast Decorating Tips and Tricks Your Walls Reimagined. Kelly used the Acanthus Black to wallpaper her bathroom. She calls it the “easiest paper of all.” On the podcast, JCampbell CEO and founder Julie Campbell talks about the ease of using their Wallpaper Sheets, easily removable pre-pasted sheets. “All you do is dip them in water,” explains Campbell, “and they’re designed to line up perfectly.”
Black Acanthus in Kelly's Bathroom
“The pattern on the front is perfect!” says Wilkniss. “I love the product. “It was easier than I imagined. I rolled it through water and I just walked over to the wall, lined up the first one, and then I was off to the races.” She said she couldn’t wait until the next morning where she could walk into her bathroom and marvel at the wall of gorgeous paper that she had done all herself.
“I LOVE my bathroom. It looks fabulous.”

Design Origin: The Acanthus Plant
Acanthus. A genus of several dozen flowering plants. In the family Acanthaceae, they’re found in tropical and warm climates like the Mediterranean, where you’ll find the most variety. Its nectar is a favorite amongst butterflies. Acanthus design. It’s said to be the oldest flower in the Mediterranean region.
Acanthus Throughout Design History
The Acanthus design is unmistakable. It almost feels like something that has just always existed. The earliest appearances are in ancient Greek and Roman architecture. Friezes, dentils, Corinthian columns, the oldest recorded appearance is the Temple of Apollo Epicurius in Arcadia, Greece.

Through Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic architecture, the design evolves, but remains elegant and timeless. From England to India, the design appears universal. In Mediterranean areas, the Acanthus represents immortality. To others, enduring life.
How to Use PastedPaper in Your Bathroom
Here at JCampbell, one of the most common questions we get asked is “Can I use your Wallpaper Sheets in my bathroom?” And the answer is a resounding, YES! All of the PastedPaper sheets are made to withstand moisture. They feature a very thin protective coating that shields each sheets so light surface moisture won’t seep in.
Our Wallpaper Sheets are perfect for small areas that are difficult to get to. So those nooks and crannies in the bathroom will be easy to reach with our compact, user-friendly wallpaper sheets. Consider showing off your bathroom sink with a bold accent wall covered with Black Acanthus sheets.
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